Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Day at local Public School

Z has been attending a Virtual Public School last year and the beginning of this year.  Due to some events and personal reasons we had to switch him to a local public school.  Yesterday was his first day to attend and be with 4th graders.  The 4th graders are any where from 3 months to 1 year older than him.  He was nervous but excited at the same time.

My husband picked him up after school and took Z to his office.  Z did his homework while there and at the end of the day they came home.  When they got home Z said he really enjoyed it and was looking forward to the next day.  He asked if I could help him on one of his homework pages.  So, I took a look at his homework.  He had 5 pages front and back that covered Spelling, Vocabulary, and Math.  He had done them all but one page and it was a word search.  Not hard just a really really big word search.  I looked over everything and he had done all the other sheets correctly.  Everything looked really easy and the Math was really to easy it is covering last years math. 

So, I finally looked at the front of this homework and then I realized.  The entire 5 sheets, the Z had done in about 40 min., was the whole weeks worth of homework.  Kind of wondering what the teacher is going to tell him.  Neither my husband, myself or Z realized that all the pages was for the week.  We ALL thought it was for Monday.

So, I then called out the Spelling words for him to spell out loud.  He spelled all of the correctly except for one but he knows it now.  The words are easier than what he is use to.  From what I can tell from the homework everything is easier than what he is use to and this really concerns me.  I will be talking to the teacher and see if we can challenge him more.  I may even show her what he has been doing so that she can see that what she is giving him is easier than what she is giving him.  I may also start talking to the Middle School Principal about having Z skip 5th grade next year.  I don't know but this kid needs to be challenged.  If he isn't getting challenged in 4th maybe I can get him moved up to 5th this year so that he will start 6th grade next year.  I don't know so many things to think about and not sure if I will be able to get any of that for my son.

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